Group B

Language 1 (Oral)   15 

1.Rhymes.  (5)

*Clap your hands

*  Teddy Bear-Teddy Bear     

*Baby shark do do

Identify the object and tell their name.    (5)

Jump on the letter (hopscotch).       (5)

Written             ( 35)

A to P                      

 Picture matching.    (5)

Circle the odd one out      .  ( 5)        

Missing letter A to P  (10)

Fill in the colour in picture of butterfly  (5)

Identify the picture and circle the beginning sound.   ( 5)

Arrange the letters(A to P).                         (5)

Maths oral            15

Counting 1 to 20      (5)

Jump on the number                    (  5)

Pre maths concept.  (5)

A. Big and small

B. Up and down

Maths written.     35

Counting  1 to 20                 (10)

count and match. 1 to 10      (5)

 fill in the circle or triangle                        (5)

circle the odd one out                                (5)

arrange numbers  1 to 10                       ( 5)

circle the big object. ( 5)

EVS (oral).            20

1. Animals in jungle (10)

*Pet animals

*Water animals

2. Transportation (10)

*Land transport

*Water transport

*Air transport


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